November 26, 2006

Tuesday, November 26, 1974
Geo. Class
Now I am in geography class. This morning my mother slept past the alarm. this makes it the third time in a row. It wasn't too bad today.
I don't think John Leiner has a very strong character.
This morning before school John Koch gave me a birthday present. I put it in my locker. I can't wait to get it home and open it. Now I have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I got a demerit for not turning in an absent excuse.

Today at athletics I bought some wristbands and socks.
I think Mr. Marlin, our study hall teacher is very unfair.
Today I got a compliment on my neat writing.
I am surprised at how much you can miss by skipping one day of school.
Today Mrs. Price is wearing a jazzy red vest with pretty white embroidered flowers and yarn stitching.

I hope we get to sing christmas carols like the other class.

Now I am home. I don't think